Sunday, November 1, 2009

You Are Big Brother By Orion Pax

Orion Pax

Remember 1984? Not the year, but the novel, which ominously described a society in which Big Brother is always watching you. It may have taken a few decades after 1984, but today, it does appear that no matter where you go or what you do, you at least run the risk of being watched and viewed. And, depending on what you’re actually doing, watched and viewed can easily transmogrify into caught and exposed.

It’s no secret that we live in a 24 hour world now. With technology making communication such a simple and instant affair, we can talk to anyone at anytime, regardless of wherever they live or whatever time zone they dwell in. And because we are living in a state where there is a constant flow of information and news, people are now becoming aware that what you do today may soon be plastered all over the internet within a matter of hours.

Cellular phones, primarily were designed to make communication mobile and instant. Rather than needing to get a quarter, than locate a pay phone to make a call, you could just pull out your cell phone and dial instantly. But, cell phones soon became a tool used to report, rather than just to talk. Now, of course, if you have a cell phone and you see someone in distress and who needs assistance, you should definitely make that call. But, now there are eyewitness reports coming from cell phone callers of the most trivial things. Again, is that really necessary?

Add to that fact that cell phones, and most portable electronic devices are now equipped with digital video cameras. Today, everyone can be a roving eyewitness reporter and get live, first-hand footage of any event just by turning on the cell phone and hitting the record button. From disasters like Hurricane Katrina to the Michael Richards meltdown, events, news and things that aren’t so newsworthy were being caught and recorded on video cameras that are popping up just about everywhere.

And once it’s on a digital video camcorder, the next logical step for it to go to will be online and on the internet. The internet is now the world’s news network, and anyone who uploads a video or file onto the web is now a reporter. Everyone is watching everyone else, and everyone can’t wait to tell everyone else what everyone else is doing. That is the essence of our completely connected technological world.


Leisurely Breakfasts With Breakfast Bar Stools By Marc Hardey

Marc Hardey

There’s nothing like a good breakfast to start off your day. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What better way to relish it than to have it in style? Some people enjoy their breakfast al fresco; others treat it as another meal to be enjoyed with the family on a dining set. Some opt for a more casual setting, like a bar atmosphere, by simply utilizing bar stools in a breakfast area.

Breakfast bar stools, as they have been christened, are simply bar stools used in a different way. They are designed to fit a particular kitchen set-up. Breakfast bar stools are often taller and skinnier, and built to swivel. They are made to fit perfectly next to a kitchen counter. They are perfect for limited space. Even better, they look great and are very easy to keep clean, depending on the upholstery.

Eggs for Breakfast, Eggshell for Breakfast Bar Stools
Breakfast bar stools come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit your needs. To find good breakfast bar stools, all you need to do is look around. If you have a specific color scheme in your kitchen, you can get breakfast bar stools that blend in flawlessly. Or, you can opt for a basic primary color that will look good in any color scheme. The latter is a very practical choice and allows you to redecorate your kitchen at whim, without having to buy key furniture. You can even get customized breakfast bar stools built if you have something more specific in mind.

Breakfast Bar Stools' Functionality
The term breakfast bar stool is a misnomer. Breakfast bar stools are not only used during breakfast. Because of their versatility, breakfast bar stools can be used in so many different ways, at different times. You can use them while fixing a quick snack alone or with friends, or when having a cup of coffee or tea. You can eat lunch and dinner on them. You can even use them as work space or a homework space for schoolchildren.

Breakfast bar stools are both stylish and functional. They are extremely usable and at the same time, decorative. They look great with and on any kitchen counter. This is why most people decorating or redecorating their kitchens choose them.

Breakfast Bar Stools and the Modern Family
Incidentally, there is an unexpected benefit to sitting on breakfast bar stools. A big kitchen table and chairs set can sometimes provide more space than a family needs. Not breakfast bar stools. They are perfect for the modern family. The stools are built high enough for children to reach the counter. Just imagine your little ones coming home after a long day from school. With breakfast bar stools, they can easily eat snacks and make their homework on the kitchen counter.

Similarly, breakfast bar stools are cozy enough to foster friendships. You can have friends over for coffee or tea at your new bar, with your stylish breakfast bar stools. Your friends will surely appreciate their beauty, stylishness, and versatile functionality.

Indeed, breakfast bar stools are the perfect mergers of function and style. Breakfast need not be a hurried, harried, and drab affair. With breakfast bar stools, you now have more reason to relish your food bite upon bite.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sherlock Reloaded: The Advent Of Online Private Investigation By Review Host

Review Host

Private investigation has a lot of imagery and clichés attached to it. There is the “lone wolf” investigator who, for one reason or the other is unattached to the government. There is the trusty sidekick/chronicler who manages to either accidentally make discoveries which are crucial to the case or get himself into a situation where he needs rescuing. There is also the scene where the hapless client (often a beautiful blonde) goes to the office of the private investigator to seek his help. However, this last scene is slowly becoming obsolete simply because of the advent of online private investigation

Online private investigation can be defined in two ways. It could be the usage of the internet to contact private investigation agencies. It could also be the actual investigation of internet crimes through private agencies.

Let us discuss the first definition. Private Investigation agencies need clients in order to keep the business rolling. This means that they have to advertise. The internet is the best media to advertise in today. This is because it also allows people to contact a private investigation agency directly.

People who contact private investigation agencies often need discretion. Because of the advent of online private investigation a client doesn't even need to show his or her face to anyone in order to present a case. Online private investigation services will only ask the required information and the method of payment. After that, you only need to wait for the results of your inquiry.

Another thing that people need is convenience. In the past, private investigation agencies were often located in “seedy” parts of a city where rent is cheap. This means that people needed to go to great lengths in order to even present their case to a private investigator. However, online private investigation services now allow people to access the services of a private investigator right from their homes. In fact, because of the development of mobile technology, people today have access to the services of online private investigation from practically anywhere in the world.

Let us now talk about the other form of online private investigation. As we all know the internet is open to all types of people. There are those who make use of the internet to make their lives a little easier and there are those who use the internet to make others' lives harder. Because of this, many people call on the services of experts to make sure that their internet lives aren't interrupted or in any way vandalized by hackers.

There are also certain crimes which are done through the internet. Some, like embezzling and stealing electronic funds need experts in order to solve them. Online private investigation involves the investigation of various electronic records in order to crack a case.

There are experts in the field who specialize in internet security. There are also those online private investigation agencies which specialize in tracking hackers. These online private investigation agencies actually have the expertise and the training required to break through the defenses of hackers. This is because of the fact that most online private investigators used to be hackers themselves.

Online private investigation is just one way of showing how much technology has changed our lives. Online private investigation shows both the good and the bad sides of progress. On one hand, we have easier access to people who might help us with our problems. On the other hand, we create whole new areas where we are vulnerable to attacks.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How To Make Bipolar Disorder Claims? By Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain

Bipolar disorder is a disabling disorder, which makes the sufferers alien to their own surroundings. They tend to see the world in their very own way. Sometimes it amuses them and on the other occasions it is plain depressing. So, they laugh like lunatics and cry like lunatics without any apparent reason for both.

Bipolar disorder is, thus, characterized by extreme mood swings. The patient is either absolutely ecstatic or hopelessly depressed. The person is just too uncomfortable with life and people. Since people tend to look at the sufferers as abnormal human beings, it becomes further difficult for the patient to come to terms with the world.

One who is suffering from bipolar disorder can claim disability benefits because the disorder makes it impossible to work. However, filing a claim for bipolar disorder claim is not easy because the approval rate is no more than 30% in such cases. Therefore, one has to make sure that one presents one’s case well enough so that the claim is not rejected.

The first thing that one must do is to educate oneself about the process of filing the claim and what all needs to be done to get one’s claim. But then, self-education may not be that great a help because the process is far too complicated. It is, thus, better to seek expert advice because if you depend upon trial and error to learn and do it yourself, it would take an awful long for you to get your claim cleared.

The forms that you are required to fill may seem to be asking for the same information over and over again, but do provide it diligently. And a short space in the form does not mean that you are required to be brief. Do provide all the necessary information even if it means attaching separate sheets to the form.

Tread carefully and patiently throughout because it is definitely not an easy way out there. Expert help and advice from informed sources can be of enormous help and save a lot of time. So, put your papers in good order, giving all the information required and go ahead with your claim. You may also seek an expert’s assistance for filing the claim. If you can afford it, it would certainly make things a lot easier.
