Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sherlock Reloaded: The Advent Of Online Private Investigation By Review Host

Review Host

Private investigation has a lot of imagery and clichés attached to it. There is the “lone wolf” investigator who, for one reason or the other is unattached to the government. There is the trusty sidekick/chronicler who manages to either accidentally make discoveries which are crucial to the case or get himself into a situation where he needs rescuing. There is also the scene where the hapless client (often a beautiful blonde) goes to the office of the private investigator to seek his help. However, this last scene is slowly becoming obsolete simply because of the advent of online private investigation

Online private investigation can be defined in two ways. It could be the usage of the internet to contact private investigation agencies. It could also be the actual investigation of internet crimes through private agencies.

Let us discuss the first definition. Private Investigation agencies need clients in order to keep the business rolling. This means that they have to advertise. The internet is the best media to advertise in today. This is because it also allows people to contact a private investigation agency directly.

People who contact private investigation agencies often need discretion. Because of the advent of online private investigation a client doesn't even need to show his or her face to anyone in order to present a case. Online private investigation services will only ask the required information and the method of payment. After that, you only need to wait for the results of your inquiry.

Another thing that people need is convenience. In the past, private investigation agencies were often located in “seedy” parts of a city where rent is cheap. This means that people needed to go to great lengths in order to even present their case to a private investigator. However, online private investigation services now allow people to access the services of a private investigator right from their homes. In fact, because of the development of mobile technology, people today have access to the services of online private investigation from practically anywhere in the world.

Let us now talk about the other form of online private investigation. As we all know the internet is open to all types of people. There are those who make use of the internet to make their lives a little easier and there are those who use the internet to make others' lives harder. Because of this, many people call on the services of experts to make sure that their internet lives aren't interrupted or in any way vandalized by hackers.

There are also certain crimes which are done through the internet. Some, like embezzling and stealing electronic funds need experts in order to solve them. Online private investigation involves the investigation of various electronic records in order to crack a case.

There are experts in the field who specialize in internet security. There are also those online private investigation agencies which specialize in tracking hackers. These online private investigation agencies actually have the expertise and the training required to break through the defenses of hackers. This is because of the fact that most online private investigators used to be hackers themselves.

Online private investigation is just one way of showing how much technology has changed our lives. Online private investigation shows both the good and the bad sides of progress. On one hand, we have easier access to people who might help us with our problems. On the other hand, we create whole new areas where we are vulnerable to attacks.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How To Make Bipolar Disorder Claims? By Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain

Bipolar disorder is a disabling disorder, which makes the sufferers alien to their own surroundings. They tend to see the world in their very own way. Sometimes it amuses them and on the other occasions it is plain depressing. So, they laugh like lunatics and cry like lunatics without any apparent reason for both.

Bipolar disorder is, thus, characterized by extreme mood swings. The patient is either absolutely ecstatic or hopelessly depressed. The person is just too uncomfortable with life and people. Since people tend to look at the sufferers as abnormal human beings, it becomes further difficult for the patient to come to terms with the world.

One who is suffering from bipolar disorder can claim disability benefits because the disorder makes it impossible to work. However, filing a claim for bipolar disorder claim is not easy because the approval rate is no more than 30% in such cases. Therefore, one has to make sure that one presents one’s case well enough so that the claim is not rejected.

The first thing that one must do is to educate oneself about the process of filing the claim and what all needs to be done to get one’s claim. But then, self-education may not be that great a help because the process is far too complicated. It is, thus, better to seek expert advice because if you depend upon trial and error to learn and do it yourself, it would take an awful long for you to get your claim cleared.

The forms that you are required to fill may seem to be asking for the same information over and over again, but do provide it diligently. And a short space in the form does not mean that you are required to be brief. Do provide all the necessary information even if it means attaching separate sheets to the form.

Tread carefully and patiently throughout because it is definitely not an easy way out there. Expert help and advice from informed sources can be of enormous help and save a lot of time. So, put your papers in good order, giving all the information required and go ahead with your claim. You may also seek an expert’s assistance for filing the claim. If you can afford it, it would certainly make things a lot easier.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Dr Michael Wolf And The Gateway Treatment To Summon Aliens By Bill Knell

Bill Knell

It’s impossible to define or even try and explain the late Dr. Michael Wolf. I knew this less than five minutes after I first spoke with him on the phone almost twenty years ago. If I had to define Wolf in one statement, I would say that he was one of the most well-connected U.S. Government Insiders that I ever met.

My association with Wolf began after my friend and fellow paranormal researcher, Dick Criswell, told me about him and offered an introduction by phone in the late 1980s. Although I was initially skeptical of Wolf’s claims regarding UFOs and his government insider status, those concerns vanished after our first conversation. I found him to be intelligent, knowledgeable and easily able to answer most any question that I threw his way.

If anything about Wolf frustrated me, it was trying to understand exactly what he did for the government. As the son of a retired Air Force Officer, I knew people that worked on the shady side of the government tree. These weren’t black-ops types, but Something Else. Wolf easily qualified as Something Else. Trying to decode who he was and what he did for the government is like trying to explain the modern British Monarchy to someone who hasn’t studied English History. It’s there and it works, but no one knows how or why.

Michael Wolf had the ability to put you at ease. A phone conversation with him was always enjoyable and never boring. After a number long distance calls, I resigned myself to the fact that obtaining and understanding the information he offered was far more important than understanding him or where his information came from. That was something that tended to stop most UFO Researchers right in their tracks if they had a chance to speak with him. I wasn’t going to let it stop me. As long as I could find other ways to verify his information, I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

My biggest concern as a was passing on disinformation to the public. There were enough alleged UFO Researchers out there doing that already. With Wolf’s permission, I recorded our calls and carefully dissected everything he told me as time permitted. Not being one for small talk, Wolf tended to compress what he said and present volumes of information every time we spoke. One of the most interesting things he told me about was JFK‘s UFO Sighting.

Wolf’s late wife, Sara, was related to the Kennedy’s. As a result, the couple occasionally stayed at the Kennedy Compound which covered six acres of waterfront property along Nantucket Sound in Massachusetts. During one of these visits, JFK and others on his boat (including Mrs. Wolf) saw a classic disc-shaped UFO which threw his Secret Service detail into a tizzy. Michael was in bed at the time with a cold or the flu. Although Kennedy asked his guests not to talk about the incident, Sara told Wolf about it as soon as she got back to the house.

I was told the Kennedy UFO story in the early 1990s. Knowing it wouldn’t be easy to verify, I contacted a family friend. Her name is Beth Monahan. Beth and I attended the same School from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. Her parents and mine were close friends and we lived just a few blocks from each other in those days. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and she has proved to be an invaluable source of information when it comes to matters involving the Government.

Beth is an expert researcher on almost any subject, but her specialty is getting the goods on things that happen inside the U.S. Government. When it came to obtaining information about the Kennedy UFO Sighting, I really lucked out. Beth actually worked for Pierre Salinger, the former Kennedy White House Press Secretary, a few times over the years. I asked her if she might provide me with a way to contact him. I didn’t want to place her in the delicate position of asking about the Kennedy UFO sighting.

Beth managed a mailing address for Salinger, so I wrote him a short, but very specific letter asking about the JFK UFO incident. Sometime later I received a reply which surprised me. Salinger wrote back and said that he was aware of the story, but had never actually had time to discuss it with the late President before he was assassinated. It was a polite way of saying he knew about it, but had no way to verify it. Plausible denial at its best!

Salinger indicated that even if it were true, that wasn’t the kind of information that would have been made public if Kennedy had lived to serve out his term. He concluded by asking me how I knew Dr Wolf. I wrote back, answered his question and wondered if he knew anyone within the Kennedy Family that had personally discussed the sighting with JFK or had any knowledge about it. I received a polite, but very brief reply indicating that he had no more information about the matter in question and would not be able to obtain any. He suggested I go back to Wolf if I wanted more information. That situation, alone, easily represents the enigma that is Dr Michael Wolf.

As part of his work with the Government, Dr. Wolf pioneered an amazing mental technique known as THE GATEWAY TREATMENT. This technique had two purposes:

1. In Wolf’s own words: 'It opens up the brain. Gateway is a way to stimulate the neurons allowing billions of synapses to form and, therefore, allows the person that masters it to have use of a vastly increased mind.'

2. To telepathically communicate with and summon positive Alien Entities.

As a person who prefers proof to proxy, I can say that listening to Wolf teach the gateway Treatment is one of the most amazing things that I have ever experienced. Not only does he teach it well and make it a snap to learn, but the difference in your ability to think, remember things and process information is almost instant.

Thanks to Dick Criswell, we have a perfect copy of Dr Wolf’s Gateway Method on Audio CD. Prior to his death, this was a method reserved for a few very close and trusted friends and government insiders that used it with special permission. If you listen to Wolf teaching Gateway, you will quickly understand why. Visit for more about Dr Michael Wolf and the Gateway Treatment. Gateway is now available on two audio CDs which can be ordered online.

Dr Wolf worked with the late Carl Sagan, served as a Scientific Consultant to Presidents, was a member of the Satellite Government, helped develop Zero Point Energy, served in the Air Force and was a member of the Alphacom Team. This was the amazing life of the late Dr Michael Wolf who continues to inspire, inform and teach us.


The Popularity Of Angel Urns And Keepsakes By Vaughn Balchunas

Vaughn Balchunas

Death always brings with it disturbing thoughts and unsettling questions. Ironically, in spite of the vast body of knowledge we have amassed over the centuries, there are many fundamental questions that are still unanswered. Primary among them are questions related to death, existence beyond death and life after death.

Every person who has had to bid farewell to a loved one knows how difficult these questions can be. Dan Ford, who recently lost his pet to a horrible accident says ‘I often find myself wondering about little Mikey. That's funny because you'd think that there’s nothing to worry about after death since death is ultimate. In my experience though, death is so painful precisely because we have no idea what happens after death. If we only knew for sure that death opens the door to a better existence we could probably accept it better ’.

Angels are believed to be the divine messengers of God. For thousands of years now every scripture and religion has been associating angels with love, guidance, solace and blessings. Therefore it is only natural that the bereaved would prefer memorial urns bearing angels and angel-symbolisms. To the bereaved, angels symbolize a peaceful transition from the world of worries to the world of God. Angel urns typify solace and calm because they somehow transmit a message that the departed will be safely guided to heaven.

Because of the strong symbolic associations, it is hardly surprising that more and more people desire memorial urns bearing angels to safeguard and keep the cremains of faithful companions. To meet this rising demand for angel urns and angel keepsakes, manufacturers now offer an extensive range of urns and keepsakes in a variety of materials. Some of the more popular materials are:

Cast bronze Angel urns: This type of an urn is made from solid bronze and is sculpted to form the image of an angel. The angel may look like a cherub or a woman and the depicted figure may be offering prayers or bestowing blessings. Some angels are shown as holding flowers or flying. Bronze angel urns are extremely strong, durable and serviceable. They have a removable plate at the base into which the cremated remains may be placed. Some manufacturers treat bronze urns with a patina, giving the angel a shimmering and brown to golden appearance.

Cultured Angel urns: These Angel urns are made of a mixture of materials and are very popular among the bereaved. A wide variety of selection is available. Cultured angel urns may be made to look like marble urns, and since they are much cheaper than their counterparts this variety of urns is much sought after.

Marble Angel urns: These are very popular because they look distinct, sophisticated and classy. An angel urn suffused in the natural and ethereal glow of marble can be quite a touching and awe-inspiring memorial keepsake. However marble urns tend to be costlier since they are natural stones. Marble urns are available in a number of colors including milky white and jet black.

Pricey urns: Angel urns are also available in precious metals. Such urns are first finished in bronze or silver and coated with gold, white gold or platinum. Most urns in this category are custom-made and may not be easily available.

An Angel urn makes a great focal point in a memorial garden or columbarium niche. These urns make great showpieces for the house. In whichever capacity they are used, regardless of whether they are kept indoors or outside, angel urns are a touching and humbling means of remembering a precious life that was.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Choose A Roommate By Adam Snider

Adam Snider

Whether you’ve just moved out of mom and dad’s house and can’t afford to rent on your own, or you’re an experienced renter who lives in a high-priced market like New York City, a roommate is often unavoidable. In fact, having someone to split the rent with is a necessity for many people.

The decision to look for a roommate might be one borne of necessity, but finding the right person can be a challenge. Here are some tips on finding the right roommate:

Ask Your Friends

Asking a friend to move in with you is often the easiest option when looking for a roommate. You obviously get along with one another, and you’ve probably seen the other person’s living habits, so you should have a good idea of what you’re getting yourself into.

Be careful, though. Just because you get along well during your twice weekly visits to the coffee shop doesn’t mean you won’t have trouble living together. You’ve probably heard at least one horror story about roommates who were best friends when they moved in together, but who no longer speak to one another.

Even though you’re friends, it’s still a good idea to interview your potential roommate to make sure you both have similar expectations about chores, house guests, and paying the rent.

Ask Your Siblings

Do you have a brother or sister who is also looking for a roommate? If friends aren’t available, living with a sibling may be the next best thing. You grew up together, and you’ve lived together in the past, so chances are you’ll know what to expect from each other.

Just make sure that the sibling rivalry doesn’t get out of hand. Remember, mom and dad aren’t around to moderate your arguments anymore.

Put an Ad in the Newspaper

If you’re new in town and don’t know anyone yet, or if you just can’t find anyone else, running an ad in the local newspaper may be your only option. The good thing about running an ad is that you can specify what type of roommate you’re looking for. If you’re a non-smoker, and you prefer to avoid second-hand smoke, you can mention that in your ad.

By running an advertisement, you’ve already pre-screened your applicants. If you’ve specified certain traits that you’re looking for in a roommate, most of the people who apply will have those attributes. If you mention that you have a cat, for example, someone who is allergic, or who hates animals probably won’t call asking to be your roommate. This will make the interview process a little bit easier.

It’s important to note that your ad doesn’t necessarily need to be in the newspaper. While a local paper will reach a large number of potential roommates, it usually costs money to place a classified ad. There are a number of free online options that you can use instead, such as Craigslist or

Interview the Applicants

After you’ve figured out how you’re going to find a roommate, you’ve got to make sure that you choose the right person. To do that, you’ll need to interview anyone who wants to be your roommate—that includes friends and family.

When you’re interviewing a potential roommate, you should look for a few key things. First of all, do you get along with this person? If you’re starting to dislike the person even before the interview is over, it’s probably best to look for someone else.

Beyond the issue of compatibility, you’ll need to talk about what responsibilities each of you will have in the household. Who will do what chores? What percentage of the rent will each person be responsible for? Splitting it evenly will be most common but, for example, you might decide that one person will pay a larger percent of the rent, but not have to do as many household chores. Make sure you decide these issues in advance.

Another issue that you’ll need to discuss is house guests. It’s probably unreasonable to assume that your roommate won’t be allowed to have guests over, but you will need to agree on what time guests should be gone by. You’ll also have to decide if guests will be allowed over during the week, or only on weekends. These might seem like trivial questions, but you’ll be wishing you’d asked when your roommate and his friends keep you awake until 3 a.m. on a work night.

After you’ve completed your interviews and found the right roommate, you should formalize your agreement in writing. Easy-to-use roommate agreement forms can be found online, and will allow you to clearly outline the responsibilities and issues agreed upon during your interview. By getting the agreement in writing, you lessen the chance of conflict and, more importantly, protect yourself in the event that you do have a disagreement with your roommate.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Omega Watches Are Heirlooms By J. Lloyd

J.  Lloyd

Omega watches have been around for over 120 years with the company first producing watches in 1885, yes, that is a long, long ago! You figure that any company that has been around that long must make a really great product or they would have gone out of business a long time ago. They are located in Biel/Bienne Switzerland and it is one of the more prestigious brand names in watches today.

The company has been able to change with the times and works hard to meet the needs of its customers. They have a rigorous set of steps and procedures that each newly designed product must go through to ensure that it meets the company’s strict set of quality controls.

The company boasts that it was an Omega watch that was the first on the moon with the US Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. It has been associated with the famous James Bond movie franchise since 1995. That year, Pierce Brosnan took over the role of James Bond, and the producers wanted to update the image of the fictional 'super-spy' to a more distinctly sophisticated 'Euro' look.

Now, with this background information you definitely want to get an Omega watch for yourself. What better timepiece than the one worn by James Bond! Every man wants to lead an exciting life just like him.

If, you are fortunately enough that someone left you and older model of an Omega pocket watch, you should consider yourself very lucky. If it has been sitting around in someone’s drawer collecting dust, do not attempt to start it without having it first checked by a professional watch repair person. Your heirloom watch should be checked out because friction will gradually wear down the components of its mechanisms.

It should be oiled every three years and professional cleaned every 10 years. You can pretty much assume that it has been sitting around for a long time in a drawer and that you should first take it to a professional. If replacement parts are needed, remember to only have those items replaced that are absolutely necessary. You want to ensure that you keep the monetary value of it intact and a conservative approach is best when it comes to replacement parts.

Oh well, you were not left an old Omega watch by anyone in your family, so you are going to go out and purchase one for yourself. There are so many different watch styles to choose from that you will probably be overwhelmed during your search. You can begin by narrowing your search down a bit-do you want a pocket watch or a wristwatch? What special features do you want it to have? Is it important to you that it be self-winding, battery operated, water proof, tell you the date, have a stop watch? By figuring out exactly what you want, you can begin looking at the different models.

Figure out which Omega watch you want and then go out and buy it. You will know that you have purchased a watch that it is truly a fine piece of jewelry. And while no one left you an antique heirloom, may your watch handed down for a few generations will eventually be an antique that is treasurer by someone.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Simplify Your Search For Senior Living In California - Use A Referral Agency By Lori Solomon

Lori Solomon

The search for senior living can be overwhelming, when the time comes that it is no longer an option for the senior to reside at home. How does one find the most appropriate facility or senior community for themselves or their loved one? In California, choices abound! Seniors are provided with a mind boggling selection of alternatives to living at home, providing a level of safety and quality of daily living, that they are unable to receive on their own. It takes patience, energy, legwork and expertise to make the right choice… to find a loving environment that will best meet personal, social, financial and healthcare needs. But, how does one navigate the system and make the appropriate choice? A Referral Placement Agency can be the answer. Gain peace of mind knowing that you have the help of knowledgeable people helping to connect you with the facilities positioned to meet yours or your loved one’s needs.

Referral Placement Agencies are all unique and each have created their own model of service. To the benefit of the consumer, their services are at no cost to the senior or to the family. Typically, the agency receives a fee from the facility chosen by the senior or their family. It is of utmost importance that the agency represents the senior’s needs foremost, instead of trying to fit a “square peg into a round hole” as they provide facility recommendations! Be sure that the agency refers to a broad spectrum of facilities, not just a select few.

Choosing the right agency can ease your search dramatically. Working with a Referral Placement Agency can be an efficient process, saving you time and anguish.

There are a number of important factors to consider to help make the right choice.

• Is the agency State licensed enabling them to refer to the full continuum of facilities?

• Does the agency have sufficient staff to handle your call when you need assistance or are you waiting in a queue or leaving a message?

• Are they available to you after-hours, when you may need it most?

• Does the agency do an in depth intake to fully understand the personal needs of the senior so that they can provide the best facility matches?

• Does the agency provide “fresh”, detailed & accurate facility information? Do they know which places speak “Russian” and who will take a pet?

• Do key individuals in the agency maintain State certifications, formally confirming their knowledge of the regulations that govern the long-term industry?

• Will they take the time to check availability to meet your specifications?

• Do they have the expertise to provide helpful hints on what to look for to streamline comparing facilities?

• Do they understand the payor sources. Do they know what the government programs provide and under what criteria?

• Can the agency assist you regarding the next steps needed to facilitate the move?

• Is the agency out and about in the community performing onsite visits to the facilities they have recommended?

• Does the agency provide a “hand’s on” follow-up service, available to you to answer questions to ease the senior’s transition?

Leaving one’s own home… deciding which senior residence to move to as needs change, is not easy for anyone. Consider using a Referral Placement Agency to ease the process. Choose wisely!

Accent on Seniors, a State licensed, personalized, FREE referral placement service, offers information and expert recommendations to Retirement, Assisted Living, Board & Care, Skilled Nursing and Alzheimer's/Dementia facilities.

For more information call 888-954-6637 or visit the website at


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Metal Tags By Rick Gambino

Rick Gambino

Metal tags are normally used for product identification. Metal tags can be used in many different military and industrial situations. Metal tags are an excellent choice for identification because they are durable and easy to secure to the object that they are identifying. Unlike stickers which can peel off due to heat or rubbing against another item, metal tags can be secured to an object so that there is no way for them to get lost. This reliability will ensure that no problems are created as a result of being unable to identify a specific object.

Metal tags can be created from a variety of different materials. The most common materials that metal tags are made from include stainless steel, brass and aluminum. Metal tags also come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Popular shapes include dog tags (often described as pill shaped), flat rectangular metal tags and round metal tags.

Although dog tags are often worn as civilians as decorative jewelry, their real use is for members of the military. Military dog tags are used as a form of identification for soldiers. Military dog tags are made from a dull finish stainless steel. Military dog tags have rounded edges to avoid cuts or other accidents. In addition to dull finish stainless steel, dog tags can also be made with bright stainless steel or a brass finish.

Even though flat rectangular metal tags are only available in one shape (as the name implies), they are available in a wide variety of sizes and materials. Flat rectangular metal tags can be created from anodized aluminum, stainless steel, aluminum or brass.

The last main type of metal tags are round metal tags. Round metal tags can be created from stainless steel, brass, aluminum or anodized aluminum. Although round metal tags are normally purchased with holes, they can actually be purchased without holes.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Metal Tags By Rick Gambino

Rick Gambino

Metal tags are normally used for product identification. Metal tags can be used in many different military and industrial situations. Metal tags are an excellent choice for identification because they are durable and easy to secure to the object that they are identifying. Unlike stickers which can peel off due to heat or rubbing against another item, metal tags can be secured to an object so that there is no way for them to get lost. This reliability will ensure that no problems are created as a result of being unable to identify a specific object.

Metal tags can be created from a variety of different materials. The most common materials that metal tags are made from include stainless steel, brass and aluminum. Metal tags also come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Popular shapes include dog tags (often described as pill shaped), flat rectangular metal tags and round metal tags.

Although dog tags are often worn as civilians as decorative jewelry, their real use is for members of the military. Military dog tags are used as a form of identification for soldiers. Military dog tags are made from a dull finish stainless steel. Military dog tags have rounded edges to avoid cuts or other accidents. In addition to dull finish stainless steel, dog tags can also be made with bright stainless steel or a brass finish.

Even though flat rectangular metal tags are only available in one shape (as the name implies), they are available in a wide variety of sizes and materials. Flat rectangular metal tags can be created from anodized aluminum, stainless steel, aluminum or brass.

The last main type of metal tags are round metal tags. Round metal tags can be created from stainless steel, brass, aluminum or anodized aluminum. Although round metal tags are normally purchased with holes, they can actually be purchased without holes.


So Much To Enjoy In Spain By Jack Blacksmith

Jack Blacksmith

The best way to truly enjoy your vacation is to know a little about where it is that you will be going. Understanding the geography and the Spanish culture is a very important part of being able to truly enjoy your visit there. With such a vast amount of people as well as a large variety of landscapes it no doubt is a country that has something for everyone.

In order to learn all about Spain, you need to visit the wide variety of cities that are there with all of their historical significance as well as all that they have to offer in the way of nightlife and social activities. With such a wide variety of cultures and things to do it is no wonder that so many people are going here to enjoy their vacations.

The Spanish that you will hear in Spain is not the same as what is heard in North and South America. These are derivatives of the original. The original is based in French and Italian and has had a strong influence on Portuguese.

If you are coming to Spain there are a large number of International airports to choose from when coming in. So be sure to pick the one that is closest to your final destination as this will help in alleviating lost time on your vacation as you work your way from the airport to the city where you will be staying.

The bus seems to be the best route to take as far as being able to get where you want to go. It is very reliable as are most of the transportation programs that are offered within each city.

Another option that you may choose when you are visiting Spain is to use a car service or to rent a car. Many of the airports and larger cities will offer this service so as to give you more accessibility while you are traveling.

Food In Spain

With so much food and drink to choose from in the country it is impossible to go wrong. In many cases you will be able to find something to satisfy everyone’s taste buds in one block let alone scouring a whole city. There is quite a bit of nightlife to be partaken in a swell. However public intoxication is very rare as many of the people of Spain frown upon such a thing.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Learn The History Of Spain Before Visiting By Clinton Maxwell

Clinton Maxwell

You will want to have knowledge of the history of Spain and Spanish culture if you plan on spending any significant amount of time in the country and, especially, if you will be living there. You will better understand the country's current political and economic state, as well as the culture of its citizens. Further, understanding its history can help you enjoy traveling to Spain much more.

The Iberian Peninsula has been home to several different groups throughout different times in Spain’s history, including the Romans and Moors. As you travel, you can see the influence of these groups, particularly in the buildings and architecture styles. You can see this influence in the area’s remaining castles, old fortifications and churches, some of which show a combination of several styles.

At one time, Spain was the most dominant country in Europe and, thanks to political changes and an increase in tourism it is again one of the strongest countries as far as politics and economy. Unfortunately, though, it did have a period of decline and dictatorship before it returned to a strong nation.

As were most areas during ancient history, most of the area now known as Spain was ruled by the Roman Empire. The Moors occupied most of the area after the Roman empire declined, and many castles and walls built by the Moors can still be seen in various Spanish cities. Until the year 1000, there was a Muslim influence. From this time until the fourteenth century, there was continuous fighting between the Christian and Muslim groups involving wars, revolts and raids.

During the fifteenth century under the rule of Ferdinand and Isabella, the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile united and Spain unified politically, religiously and economically. It was during this time that Catholicism was named the state religion. Any Muslims that did not convert to Catholicism were expelled from the country. It was during this time that Columbus began his infamous exploration and discovered the New World. The gold and silver found turned Spain into one of the most powerful countries. The Hapsburgs ruled during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the Bourbons ruled during the eighteenth century.

In the 1930s, Spain experienced a civil war between the right wing and left wing groups each fighting for power. Ultimately, the Nationalists took power under Francisco Franco who ruled until he died in 1975. During this time of war and dictatorship, Spain had declined economically and in status. It regained economic strength during the 1960s and 1970s due to a variety of industries, including tourism. Prince Juan Carlos took the throne after Franco died and still rules today. Franco led Spain from dictatorship to a democracy and returned it to one of the strongest nations in Europe in terms of both economy and politics.

Spain is divided into seventeen different regions, all unique culturally and geographically, which can be seen in culture, lifestyle and language. You will begin to see these differences as you travel throughout the country.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Military Dog Tags By Rick Gambino

Rick Gambino

Almost everyone has heard of dog tags at one time or another. Whether you have seen a teenager wearing dogs tags with their initials on it or actual dog tags which are worn by members of the armed forces, dogs tags are worn by many different kinds of people. Although they have become a part of mainstream fashion, true dog tags are much more than a simple piece of decorative jewelry. Military dog tags are worn by soldiers and other members of the armed forces as a means of identification. In the unfortunate event that a soldier is killed during combat, their military dog tags can be used to identify their body and inform the family of this extremely sad event. Although people living in regular conditions can be identified by a driver's license or similar form of identification in the case of a tragedy, these normal means of identification are not enough for soldiers because of the extraordinary circumstances they are living in. If a soldier kept an identification card in their wallet or pocket, it could easily be stolen or lost during combat. However, because military dog tags are worn under a soldier's uniform, the chances of a soldier losing or having them stolen are much less likely.

The military dogs tags which are issued by the government are made of stainless steel and have a dull finish. Military dog tags are made of stainless steel for obvious reasons (durability, resistance to scratching and weather exposure), and the dull finish is used to draw as little attention to the tags as possible. As you probably know, soldier's wear their military dog tags on a metal chain. Most of these chains are nickel plated and normally measure thirty to thirty-six inches in size. The necklaces are extremely secure and ensure that a soldier's tags stay with him at all times.
